Find the guidance and methods you need to take your life to the next level. Learn how to overcome negative beliefs. Become more happy, fulfilled, ways to improve by 1% every day, and start living the life you're MEANT to.

Make your dreams a reality.

Kickstart your spiritual growth and  transformation.

I used to feel like my only purpose in life was being a supporting character: just someone who was called when he was needed, going from job to job, helping my bosses make more money. It didn't feel like anything was really mine, or what I wanted. In late 2022, I was at a crossroads. It was then, that I started looking inward and getting in touch with my Highest Self. Now I feel in control of my destiny, and love every minute of my life. And it's all because of the same tools and tricks I'll help you learn and use in these programs. The World only changes when you change the way you see the world.

I've been where you are right now.

I'm daniel j anderson, spirituality life coach.

In this transformational program, we'll work together on creating the life you DESERVE, without making any drastic changes. Find happiness, without the upheaval.

Your Purposeful Living Blueprint

    Sign Up Today

You will find the keys to be successful in everything you set your mind to.

The Keys to Success

Never rely on other people to create your happiness for you again. Instead, feel joy in everything you do.

The formula for your joy.

We'll explore your dreams and desires and identify the ones you actually want to create.

The life you've dreamed of.

What you'll discover.

Everything included when we work together:

Get results.

Weekly Coaching
We'll meet for an hour, once per week, to do the work we're here to do: coach your butt off.

The workbooks that will help you identify and plan the changes you want to make during the program.

Email Support
Email me between sessions with questions, problems, or out-of-control emotions.

Three 30-minute check-in calls with me to ensure you're on track to create the life you desire. ($300 value)

Free Manifestation Journal ($25 value)


Extra goodies for you.

Sign Up

Daniel, CEO and Creator of Your Purpose-driven life and the soul searchers society Learning Center

Our Coaching Programs are ALL truly Life Changing... How do I know? Because I took each and every one of them, myself, in my journey of self-discovery. They will bring you to a deeper understanding of yourself. Your life. Your dreams, and desires. You will learn about Manifestation, and the Law of Attraction.  You will discover that it only takes LITTLE steps, little changes over time to make a HUGE difference in your life.

It is MY hope, MY desire and my MISSION to provide you with the guidance and Information that you need to completely  transform YOUR life. We ALL are the Creators of our own reality, Change your World. by changing the way you SEE the World.
Daniel Anderson,
Your Purpose-driven Life

Our Transformational Programs:

Rest assured, if within the first two weeks of our live sessions you find that this program isn’t the perfect fit for you, I offer a full refund. You can invest in your growth with confidence, knowing there’s no risk of commitment to something that doesn’t resonate with you.

I guarantee it.

Investing in yourself, and putting in the work will transform your life.

The "Echoes of the Soul Journal" is designed to be a sanctuary for your thoughts and a canvas for your spiritual journey. Within these pages, you are invited to explore, reflect, and grow. This journal serves as your personal space to capture the echoes of your soul’s voice, as you navigate the path toward your truest self.


"Within me is a peaceful sanctuary where my soul knows no bounds."

Get the "Echoes of the Soul Journal", as a Free gift when you sign up.


Once you take the first step, you'll never look back.

Recreate your life, however you want it to look.

It's time to get started.

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