The Soul Searchers Blog

Change your life

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are all words you could use to describe what I’m like on those days and I’m probably not the best company. The thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human – it’s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that’s okay.

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Crystal healing is a holistic healing practice that has been used for centuries to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. Many crystals are known to have powerful energies that can be used to help heal, align the chakras (the energy centers of the body), and promote overall well-being!  Origins: The use […]

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If you’re new to the world of crystals, you may be wondering what the big deal is. Why do I keep seeing people talking about crystals? What does this actually mean for my life? Well, we choose to believe that it could mean a lot; in fact, it could hold the very key to you […]

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It is amazing how one, simple affirmative action can change so much in someone’s life. One of the things that can have a tremendous impact on your life is the realization of the power of gratitude. Practicing gratitude can affect every aspect of your life. Here are four tremendous ways incorporating gratitude into your life […]

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7 Morning Habits to Win the Day| Get up early in the morning when the sun rise

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Starting and maintaining a gratitude journal can be a difficult task to undertake at first because it is just something else that you have to remember to do every day. However, after a while, the effort you put into showing your gratitude every day will be well worth it in the long run. Continue to push yourself to do it every night until it becomes a habit. The best time to start a gratitude journal is now.

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Negative thoughts can affect your happiness. You could be happy one minute and the next, your mind is running off in the opposite direction. Don’t let negativity ruin your day! Here are six easy ways you can overcome negative thoughts.

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Welcome, dear readers, to our virtual space of inspiration, knowledge, and connection! We are thrilled to embark on this journey with you as we launch our brand-new blog. Here, we will share insights, stories, and ideas that resonate with the heart and mind.

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